
FASTQ/A short-reads pre-processing tools
Here are screen-shots of the tool's pages in Galaxy.

Galaxy Usage

Galaxy is web-based framework for experimental and computational biologists.
With Galaxy one can easily use analysis tools through a web-based interface.

If you're using the public Galaxy web-site, FASTX-toolkit tools are already available for general use.
If you're running a local mirror of the galaxy server, follow the Installation instructions to integrate the tools into your Galaxy server.

Inside Galaxy, click on FASTA/Q Information or FASTA/Q Manipulation categories to access the FASTX-Toolkit tools:

Each tool contains a optional parameters and a short description. Click on the different tools to see their help screen.

FASTA/Q Information tools (screen-shots from Galaxy)

Quality Statistics

Quality Boxplot

Nucleotide Distribution

FASTA/Q Manipulation Tools (screen-shots from Galaxy)

FASTA/Q Clipper

FASTA/Q Trimmer

FASTA/Q End Trimmer

FASTQ Quality Trimmer

FASTA/Q Renamer

FASTA Collapser

FASTA UnCollapser

UnCollapse row (in a text file)

Artifacts Filter

FASTQ Quality Filter

FASTQ/A Reverse Complement

FASTQ-to-FASTA converter

FASTA Formatter

FASTA Nucleotide Changer

FASTA Clipping Histogram

FASTQ/A barcode splitter