A self optimized base caller for Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer (patent pending)

Designing the experiment:
Make sure that you have on your flow-cell at least one rich DNA library with a known reference genome. We usually use phi-X174. You can download its reference genome in 2bit format here.

After the run:
Analyze the image files with Firecrest and call the reference library with Bustard.

Launch Atla-Cyclic Training:

Launch Atla-Cyclic Calling:

brave_heart - A trainer program for Alta-Cyclic base caller.

SYNOPSIS [MANDATORY PARAMETERS] [OPTIONAL PARAMETERS] --load Path_to_Training_Folder_of_Broken_Run/egg


Mandatory Parameters:
--number_of_cyclesNumber of cycles in the run
--path_to_intensity_filesPath to the folder that contains the intensity files for training
--path_to_training_sequencesPath to the folder that contains sequences that corresponds to intensity files
--lane_for_trainingLane number that is used for the training
--tiles_for_trainingThe range of tiles that will be used for training
--reference_genomeFull path to the reference genome
--is_reference_genome_localY - indicates that the refernce genome should be copied to the cluster nodes
N - assumes that the genome is installed on the cluster nodes
Optional Parameters:
--trimTrim the trainings sequences for a certain number. Makes the training faster
--threshold_for_analysisSet the threshold for allowing mismatches in the training seqeunces
--maximum_lines_for_trainingSet the intial amount of eneries that will be sampled for training
--flowcellThe flowcell name
--verboseSet verbosity
--zippedIf the intensity files are zipped
--debugGive extra messages and indicators. Stores .o files that return from the cluster
--not_niceDo not report your optimization results to Alta-Cyclic developers. This may prevent us of collecting statistics and improve later versions.
--load Take an 'egg' file from a broken training run, and continue the run from the placed it stopped.
Help Options:
--helpShow a list of parameters.
--manPrint a long manual.

EXAMPLE --number_of_cycles 78 --path_to_intensity_files ~/int_from_the_classic_run --path_to_training_sequences ~/sequences_for_training_Classic/ --lane_for_training 8 --tiles_for_training 1-100 --reference_genome ~/DBase/phiX.2bit --is_reference_genome_local Y --trim 25 --threshold_for_analysis 20 --maximum_lines_for_training 100000 --verbose --debug --flowcell FLOWCELL_1234 --trim 25

karma - The base caller part of Alta-Cyclic



--autoGets the parameters from brave_heart. Only under Karma folder. NOTICE: the default tile range is 1-100. On a GAI machine you should use the --tiles option. See example below
Mandatory Parameters:
--random_walkExpect to get [best p1] and [best p2] that were found by brave_heart
--number_of_cyclesNumber of cycles in the run
--path_to_intensity_filesPath to the folder that contains the intensity files for reading
--number_of_cyclesPath to the folder that contains the intensity files for training
--lanesLanes to read
--tilesTiles to read
--SVM_tar_locationLocation of the SVM package that was generated by brave_heart
Optional Parameters:
--zippedIf the intensity files are zipped
--flowcellThe flowcell name.
--verboseSet verbosity.
--debugGive extra messages and indicators. Stores .o files that return from the cluster
Help Options:
--helpShow a list of parameters.
--manPrint a long manual.


./ --auto
./ --auto --tiles 1-300 --lanes 1

Your results are under the Karma directory in the same format that Illumina reports.